Your Perfect Fit Bridle Guide
Tired of off the rack bridles that don’t fit? You're only 3 steps away from your perfect bridle. Just grab a measuring tape and the bridle you are currently using on your horse and then scroll down to follow our guide!

Step 1
Measure the length of the brow band you are currently using on your horse.

Step 2
Take the measurement from the cradle of the cheek piece on the left side all the way across the headpiece to the cradle of the cheek piece on the right side.
The cradle of the cheek piece is where the bit hangs from the bridle. You should take this measurement with the bridle done up on the holes you use on a daily basis.

Step 3
Measure the inside circumference of the noseband. You should take this measurement with the bridle done up on the hole you use on a daily basis.
(The inside of the noseband is the side that is in contact with the horse.)
The Perfect Size for Your Horse
Once you have your measurements, check them against our easy to follow chart below to ascertain the perfect size for your horse.